
Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Have Progressives Adopted a Metaphorical Nomenclature As a Communications Strategy?

One begins to wonder if they are talking in a secret code language.

Global progressives have highjacked political nomenclature to mean whatever-the-hell they want it to mean.

Here in the US, the current occupant of the oval office has clearly stated 'his' primary concern for this nation is "global climate change"/"global warming" leading most to simply assume he's referring to the weather.

Considering his affiliation with Bill Ayers/Dorn who were "the
weather underground"...his/their interpretation of
'weather'/'climate' may have more to do with social issues
 than with any assumed preoccupation with
temperature/cloud cover/precipitation/tide/moon phases.

Perhaps it's time to revisit the 'progressive' interpretation of this political language as it applies to coincidental events like Ferguson, Baltimore, Philadelphia, etc.:

Severe weather? Riots, plunder, pillage, arson, murder

Rising temperatures/global warming? Social agitators, community organizers stirring trouble with violence-prone-rent-a-thug-mobs

Climate Change? Social justice in the form of anti-law enforcement, white privilege

Rising Tides/floods? Open borders, deportation recidivism, government induced hijrah

Is it merely a coincidence the ME exploded in what this administration
identified as the "Arab Spring? or the "Fall" of (the hard fought for) Iraq?

IF I may quote from MC in Sderot/via Gatesofvienna:

"There is now a controlling influence in the world such as has
never been before. Disparate governments move with a singleness and timing of common purpose. The international media are all singing from the same hymn sheet."

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