
Thursday, June 04, 2015

Usaamah Rahim, Jihadist Shot In Boston on June 2, 2015, Was Planning To Behead Pamela Geller

From CNN...

Boston shooting: Suspect plotted to behead Pamela Geller, sources say. Excerpt:
Geller drew national attention last month after an off-duty police officer working security thwarted an attack at her organization's contest for Prophet Mohammed drawings in Garland, Texas. She's president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, which includes subsidiary programs Stop Islamization of America and Stop Islamization of Nations.

"They targeted me for violating Sharia blasphemy laws. They mean to kill everyone who doesn't do their bidding and abide by their law voluntarily," Geller told CNN's Erin Burnett after learning of the alleged plot.

"This is a showdown for American freedom. Will we stand against this savagery or bow down to them and silence ourselves?"

Geller said that she's had an "army of security" since last month's Texas incident.

"This is what is required just to show a cartoon in America, 2015," she said. "It's striking. It's devastating, and people need to understand what's at stake. I mean, if we surrender on this point, what will we surrender next?"
More HERE.

The drawing which must not be shown:

Art by Bosch Fawstin


  1. Where th'f'k does this 'journo' [Erin] expect she is to seek protective cover when the shariah blade is turned on her? Bet this 'journo' does defend 'flamboyant' gender bending genetic mutants against violent repercussions - but refuses any attempt to silence them with equally "fair questions".
