
Friday, July 24, 2015

Help Us, Obi Wan Cruz, You're Our Only Hope


  1. Wow. I'm impressed. He knows how to speak AND deal with those with opposing views.

    I have never seen civilized discourse like this anywhere. The rest of the world (whether Western Europe or tribal India) usually has a shouting match when they talk about "dialog".

  2. An interesting detail overlooked by Code Pinkos insisting on diplomacy...some of the hostages Iran held during the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis were involved in the American diplomat corp. directly or as guards and security for these diplomats.
    So Medea Benjamin & co. ...Diplomacy DID NOT SAVE THE 1979 IRANIAN HOSTAGES FROM THEIR 444 DAY TORMENT. As Ted Cruz stated, very clearly, it took the appearance/recognition of a nationwide embrace of 'peace through strength', not failed communications, failed negotiations, and very bad agreements - to obtain the release of the hostages.

    Regardless of how many OIC favored votes at the UN agree with Obama and Kerry and Code Pink - this deal is a monumental disaster for humanity.

  3. Ted Cruz debates them based upon the words they speak at this debate.

    I think that is wise.

    However, I think I would find that damn near impossible.

    Code Pink is not pro-Peace, so much as they are simply anti-Western:
