
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

"Yesterday's Moderate Is Tomorrow's Terrorist" - Marine Murdered By "Another Mohammed"


  1. Find me a Presidential candidate willing to say what she said. Find me a Congressman or Senator. Either party or no party.

    Our elected representation is the shame of this nation. That we the people elected them is the ruin of this nation.

  2. Notice how those who knew the shooter excuse him: "he had a history of drug and alcohol abuse".

    It's far more relevant to say "he had a history of Islam." That nails it.

    I doubt his last words were "Jack Daniels Akbar!"

  3. Anonymous,
    I doubt his last words were "Jack Daniels Akbar!"


    BTW, I know Hixson, Tennessee, pretty well. For years, I visited family living there. It's a pot-smokin', moonshine-drinkin' little town.

    Abdulazeez was fully assimilated into that community. Until he wasn't.

    As early as 2013, his diary speaks of his desire to be a martyr for Allah. 'Nuff said.

  4. The thing is, Jack Daniels Akbar might very well be my last words, if I am not careful. What about you, MR?

  5. Related: The Real Reason Our Troops at Chattanooga Were Unarmed Is Absolutely Infuriating written by Kurt Schlichter via TheJournalby IJReview

    “Senior military leaders are more terrified of career-ending ‘incidents’ than the safety of their troops.”

    “That’s right – for the sake of a politician’s narrative and the careers of a few desk jockeys, we will take law enforcement off the streets to stand guard over some of history’s fiercest warriors rather than allow them access to the tools of their trade.”

  6. Imagine what our country would have looked like if our Founding Fathers had worried about their pensions and medical insurance ...
