
Friday, August 28, 2015

Curt Schilling And Islam

On August 25 2015, Major League Baseball star Curt Schilling posted the Tweet below, which he deleted after approximately ten minutes and for which he apologized:

Because Schilling posted the above, ESPN pulled Schilling from the network's Little League World Series assignment.

Additional reading...Curt Schilling and the Death of Free Speech: He told the truth. He apologized. It still wasn’t enough.


  1. He shouldn't have apologized. He should have told them to stuff their friggin' job. I know, easy for me to say and I sure hope I live up to the standards I set for others when my turn comes. But this sort of conduct just reinforces and emboldens the totalitarians.

  2. Anonymous,
    I agree.

    There's also "First They Came" to consider.
