
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Now Megyn Kelly Attacks Ted Cruz

So, she attacks the only candidate I, and other Conservatives, like.

And she attacks the American people's favorite candidate.

She is not attempting to have a reasonable conversation.

She is attempting to take them down.

It's time for another vacation for Megyn Kelly. A very, very long vacation.


  1. What the hell is going on with Megyn Kelly?

    From whom is she taking her orders?

  2. From whom is she taking her orders?

    Her boss, Roger Ailes, who takes his orders from Karl Rove and the RNC.

  3. Anonymous,
    That's what I believe, too.

    One of the BIGGEST problems the GOP has is Karl Rove!

  4. And chris mathews isn't any better.

    Conservatives have no voice in American media.

  5. I believe that She is pro-choice. I remember that she said so years ago on a segment with O'Reilly. I say GO MEG. She is going after the most anti-woman self-determination autonomy candidates in the GOP. The 'Religious Wrong' as I call them are the downfall of the GOP. The GOP needs to tell them to go elsewhere. Goldwater, and Gerald Ford both warned the GOP of the encroaching power of the hard core so-called 'Christians'. Who are about as 'Christian' as a dog turd in your yard.

  6. Donald Trump is of "The Religious Wrong"?

    What religion is he?
