
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Defense Secretary Ash Carter: We Might Be Going Back to Fight in Combat in Iraq Again (and Syria Too)

Great post from Ace of Spades:
Obama has once again proven the long-known wisdom -- of which he was ignorant, and when it was told to him, he jeered at it, because it conflicted with his "new" thinking -- that the surest way to waste men's lives in pointless warfare is to adopt a craven, cowering position and invite aggression. 
All hail the Eternal Failure and Bringer of Destruction, Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama. 
They are resorting to Orwellian double-speak to not call it combat, because, of course, Obama declared the end of combat action in Iraq, and Obama is a vain and weak man who mistakes himself for a god.So they're calling it "direct action on the ground." 
Like that soldier who died when entering, um, a hostile non-permissive environment. Totally different from "combat."

1 comment:

  1. President Peace Prize has been nominated for a second peace price for brokering the Iranian Nuke Deal.

