
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Islam and 9/11 Not Connected, 12-Year-Olds Taught in America

Parents in Illinois are outraged that a public school there is painting a positive picture of Islam and teaching impressionable young students that Islam bears no responsibility for the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States.
This is just the latest incident demonstrating a growing trend in American education to portray the intolerant, slavery-sanctioning, woman-oppressing, genocidal, and relentlessly expansionist Religion of Peace as a misunderstood force for good or as just another world religion, no better or worse than the others.   
The relativist, multiculturalist, pro-Sharia compliance perspective is that a few bad, weird people who just happened to be Muslims flew airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a Pennsylvania field on Sept. 11, 2001, and that these jihadist extremists in no way represent the core teachings of the Koran and the whole Islamic community, even though Muslims have been slaughtering, enslaving, and otherwise subjugating unbelievers for 1,400 years. 
One of the education sector’s gatekeepers Mark Halwachs, superintendent of High Mount School in Swansea, Ill., is proud to be serving humanity by presenting Islam as a positive thing that had absolutely nothing to do with the horrors of 9/11. The Kindergarten-to-8th Grade school he oversees has no plans to abandon its Islamic misinformation efforts and the teaching of revisionist history. 
Halwachs, who sounds very much like a spokesman for the pro-Islamist Southern Poverty Law Center, made a series of admissions in an interview with the Belleville News-Democrat. The newspaper account states: 
“We have to present, with 9/11 or anything, it wasn’t a religion that did that. It was bad men that did that. I think you have to take moments like that and use them as teachable moments,” he said. “You have to look at the age group and your students, and to me you can talk about different things in the world and teach about tolerance.”


  1. We are allowing this, and if this is what we are becoming, we do not deserve to survive. There is nothing left to save.

    The press, the TV stations, everybody should be talking and passing judgement on this travesty. Instead we only learn about these facts through blogs which are labeled Islamophobic ...

  2. I imagine that the same is "taught" on standardized tests, too.

  3. The Islamofuckers orchestrated 9/11. Nothing changes the facts.
