
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Paul Ryan, REALLY, it’s Congress’ job to put yourself into the shoes of FOREIGN CITIZENS?

Ryan declared:
This is the American Dream. This is the American idea.

Look, put yourself in another person’s shoes, which if you’re in elected office, that’s what you kind of have to do that almost every single day. The job we have–and what we do is we take different people’s perspectives. The gentleman from India who’s waiting for his green card.
The DREAMer who is waiting. We take all these different perspectives. We process it through our values and our morals and our principles. And then we come up with the answer to try and solve this problem. That’s basically what we do in our jobs.
Ryan’s statement may strike some listeners as bizarre—many may think that the job of U.S. Congressman ought to be to put himself in the shoes of his citizen constituents who elected him, giving their needs greater priority than the desires of someone from a foreign country.
Ryan’s message, however, of prioritizing the needs and desire of foreign nationals who do not reside in the United States, is in line with the thought process of those who support the principles of open borders—i.e., a policy of allowing foreign goods and labor to freely and legally cross into and out of the country without interference.
For instance, Marco Rubio—who co-authored the Gang of Eight amnesty bill and has supported several plans that would expand existing record-high immigration—said in the first presidential debate that the only people who don’t get enough attention and “who never ge[t] talked about in these debates” are the foreign citizens “who have been waiting for 15 years to come to the United States.”

If this typical means of the few selecting the leaders which suit the large companies, and others whose delusional ideas have brought us to $18T in debt, and a foreign stance worse than Spain as 1799 turned into 1800, or England as 1999 turned into 2000, then for this election, those who WILL BE DISSATISFIED, may really CONSIDER BOYCOTTING the campaign and the election because..


Time for a permanent 3rd party and for the Republicans who think their job is to imagine themselves as foreigners to become the Whigs.
Too late for the D’s. HST, FDR, HHH and the Henry Jackson’s would have no idea who the hell they. They KICKED JOE LIEBERMAN out, and he had the 3rd most liberal record voting on domestic issues.
Right now I see Ryan is about to accept the title of Speaker. It’s a mistake for Republicans. I am very reluctant to say this because I would have been happy to see him as VP in 2012. But he is in the middle of support of the TPP which is ANATHEMA to American employment since…


And now this quote from Ryan.
American workers will NEVER be able to free those whose job is to maximize profit from moving manufacturing to Indonesia (107th in per capita income), or the Philippines (114th), where wages are ONE EIGHTH those in the USA, in order to build new facilities here.
Paul Ryan is in favor of laws and processes which CONTINUE these trends.
American CONSUMERS have hardly benefited from this in any substantial manner, when mom can buy flip flops from the 3rd world for next to nothing when either or both of she and dad have LOST THEIR JOBS to that third world country.
This is not some xenophobic rant, this is the reality.
If Ryan has some reality based explanation as to how free trade in any form can benefit the AMERICAN WORKERS, MIDDLE MANAGERS, ENGINEERS, and ultimately R&D (which is FOLLOWING THE PARADE OVERSEAS) I am listening.
And now he is ascending to 3rd in line to POTUS?


  1. Could Ryan put himself in MY shoes for a moment? My monthly (PPO) insurance premium has jumped from $364 to $466 since ObamaCare was enacted. I just added four hours a week to my work schedule to keep up with monthly bills. My husband tells me that prior to my retirement I will be paying close to $1,000 per month for the same.

    Does Congress actually work for Americans now? The Republicans deserve complete marginalization.

    I intend to vote for Trump. Republicans can kick Bush to the curb, smear Carson, and elevated Rubio. I don't give a damn. They won't get my vote unless they select Trump.

  2. Apparently the American dream is no longer available to natural born Americans. Only immigrants may aspire.

  3. The Democratic Party is now a wholly owned subsidiary of the Global Left. Rank and file Dem voters are every bit as estranged from the party elite as are their counterparts on the Republican side.

    But Dem voters are content enough with what they believe they are getting from their party that it doesn't seem to matter. Not so with Republican voters.

  4. here's a thought...we know that Congress is exempt from prosecution for insider trading - as exhibited by the profiteering that made congress critters like Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid and many others wealthy and powerful beyond their wildest imaginations - despite never holding a job outside of government. We also know the NSA has access to every personal detail of every life recorded online or electronically. Healthcare is now electronically recorded. Privacy, what privacy?
    Along with the UN/EU/OIC...the new order of things is headed in one direction - away from citizen government - for the people/by the people. Instead, control is directed from a not quite visible pyramid of individuals pulling a lot of strings. What do they have on Ryan? Recall his young daughter was very ill during the 2008 (or was it '12?) campaign.
    With insider trading options available to Congress critters, NSA enabled bribery and blackmail potential, and the success of generations dumbing down America to Watters World there a way out?

  5. The more I hear the more it seems like Paul Rino is worse than John Bonehead.
