
Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Things Are Getting So Bad In Europe, The "Migrants" Are Starting To Hate Themselves

WATCH: Migrants Torch OWN Tents In Protest At ONE DAY Wait For Processing

Violence erupted at an over-crowded refugee camp in Lesbos today as dozens of new arrivals were attacked by a mob of Afghans wielding sticks.
Greece has witnessed a surge in migrant arrivals in recent days amid fears of worsening weather and closing borders inside Europe, the United Nations and Greek authorities said.
The UN refugee agency said it had registered a clear ‘spike in arrivals’ that left some 27,500 packed on Greek islands by Tuesday morning.
A high-ranking Greek police official told AFP that of the 8,000 people who landed in Greece on Monday, 5,000 crowded onto the already overwhelmed island of Lesbos.


This ‘migrant’ in Germany who feels the best thing is not to let in more migrants to Germany till they can guarantee a standard of living to all the ones already there. Perhaps Germany should have done that for its own people before letting in anyone?

Germans should elect that refugee President. He has far more common sense than Merkel.

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