
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Clock Boy's Fallout

Remember Ahmed Mohamed, the poster boy for Islamophobia?  President Obama pronounced Ahmed's suitcase clock a "cool clock" and invited him to visit the White House.

Such venal propaganda has consequences.

See Muslim Student Makes Bomb Threat, Maryland Middle School Does Nothing, “I have a bomb in my car, Allahu Akbar!” @AACountySchools at Pamela Geller's site.
“My name is Jafar,
I come from afar,
I have a bomb in my car
Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar!” - See more at:
Furthermore, this Muslim student has made more than one threat:
This is not the first time this Muslim student has threatened the children. He brings his cell phone to school and points it at the other children while it makes gun noises.
To top it all off, this was the principal's reaction:
Principal Michael Dunn said the bomb threat “was not something the boy could get suspended for because you can find that phrase all over the internet so he feels like it is a boy just being a boy.”
That's the ticket! Muslims doing what they do is nothing to worry about. Just boys being boys and their disruptions will be tolerated.


  1. Of course he will enter a data base for JV jihadi and there he will stay until he makes his own headline.

    Stating you have a bomb in a car is assault, and a terroristic threat.

    The battery, will be forthcoming from this little prick. But we will not be able to connect the events. His identity is protected because he is a minor.

  2. I suppose that it's only a threat if the perpetrator is a non-Muslim. We live in the Age of Islamophilia.

  3. This kid needs to receive a visit from uniformed security and detained for further questioning. No threat followed by the words "allahu akbar" should be dismissed in this day and age. No threat of a bomb should ever be dismissed...period. That there were no consequences despite a history of threats is most disturbing. The credibility and competence of that school's administration is in question.

  4. What DB, we ERASED the DB at the order of the executive?
