
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Government-Media Academia Complex Shows Glitches in The Matrix

LA Times Tracking Poll Shows Trump's Lead Growing Through All Three Nights of the DNC, So Far

Red Francis Still Clueless About ISIS – Says Jihadi War is About “Money and Resources” …That’s Nuts

Russia Published Hacked Hillary Emails in 2013 – DNC Fears They Will Release 20,000 More Before Election

TRUMP Just Got Hillary to Admit Her Email Scandal Was National Security Issue

Hillary Clinton Suddenly Admitting Her Deleted Emails Contained All Sorts of Sensitive "National Security" Information
Previous claim: the deleted emails contained wedding plans and yoga routines; no big deal if they were on an unsecured system.
New claim: Trump is endangering "national security" by suggesting Russia release these completely-innocent emails.


  1. I have just popped in for the DNC on a few occasions. But it seems the grievance industry based on polarized political interests is on full display.

    I did watch Jesse Jackson repeat his little mantra, "IT'S HEALING TIME, IT'S HOPE TIME, IT'S HILLARY TIME!!" waaay too many times. It was like he was trying to elevate his sloganeering to the level of "I have a dream." It didn't work. The crowd grew increasingly bored.

    It was almost as bad as when Newt's wife took the stage at the RNC to less than a golf clap of enthusiasm and thanked everyone for such a warm welcome. She had barely positioned herself in front of the microphone before proclaiming herself queen for a day. smile

    But I will say this: Politics is fun again. Can anyone imagine if it had been Jeb v. Hillary? Both of them are political tranquilizers.


  2. LA Times Tracking Poll Shows Trump's Lead Growing Through All Three Nights of the DNC, So Far

