
Sunday, August 21, 2016

Tunisian Vlogger Begs The West To Obliterate Islam

He blames the problem on our friendship with the Saudi and Qatari Kings.

I would add Iran to that. However, as our friend, Niconarg points out, Shias do not, generally, do Individual Jihad.

On the other hand, Iran funds Sunni terrorism, through it's support of Hamas. So, I don't know whether it's quite true that the Shia are not, also, virulent Jihadists.

So yeah, I'd throw Iran in there too.

Our problem is we support the very leaders of the Muslim world who support our destruction. They then turn out and hand a good deal of the money we give them to the Preachers of Jihad who call for our deaths.

How fucking stupid are we?

Trump for President. He is our last hope to NOT have to do what this man calls for; Go Nuclear on Mecca.

I do not think that's a reasonable option.

I'm sure many of our readers would beg to differ.


  1. We may not be friends with them, but we sure are not putting a stop to their "nuclear ambitions", are we?

  2. But this is the work of BHO, his entire administration, and the treasonous opposition. As far as I know (although what do we really know?) this is the first administration to negotiate with Iran after 1979.
