
Monday, October 24, 2016

Hillary's little tiny, pathetic rally in Cleveland. Cheerleaders instruct crowd behind Hillary what to cheer


  1. The choice is simple:
    Do you want a President who wants a contract WITH America?
    Do you want a President who has taken out a contract ON America?

  2. Anonymous #1,
    I also am a source of endless vulgarity, so I can not criticize Rosie on that account.


  3. Anonymous #2,
    That's a good one. I am going to use it.

  4. This news just given during Trump rally:

    I pulled the following from a newsfeed.

    Gov Terry McAuliffe of Virginia either gave or directed 675k to the campaign of  state Senate campaign of Dr. Jill McCabe. The 675k represented over 33% of her total contributions.  That’s a lot of money coming from a single source and for a state senate race.  She lost to the republican candidate Dick Black.
    What happened next is even stranger.  McCabe’s husband is Andrew McCabe works for the FBI.  After his wife received the money, McCabe was promoted to promoted to Deputy and was given the assignment of being in charge of oversight into the investigation of Hillary Clinton.  Isn’t that a coinkidink?
