
Sunday, July 02, 2017

Donald Trump: "Keeping Promises"

Chibok Girls And Trump Appear In Unannounced Photo Op. “The White House usually picks a photo of the day. On June 28, the image they chose showed two girls from Nigeria who were abducted in 2014 by Boko Haram but managed to escape: Joy Bishara and Lydia Pogu. They’re flanked by President Donald Trump and his daughter, Ivanka Trump. The photo had been taken the day before. Trump is giving a thumbs up. The meeting was not publicized in advance. NPR’s White House correspondent Tamara Keith says the administration didn’t notify the press corps about it, it didn’t appear on the White House daily schedule and it was not discussed in any of that day’s briefings.”


  1. He really is.

    I remember when all the Treasonous GOPers told us Roberts was nails.

    He's a piece of shit who betrayed us (because, I'm quite sure, they had photos of him with a little boy) and sold us out on Obamacare like a time and world-class pussy, a Benedict Arnold in all quantum universes, absolute fucking piece of fucking shit. And all the GOPers make fucking excuses for him.

    Fuck him.

    If we have to go full revolution on these people, he's one of the first to be brought up in the tribunal.

  2. Pasto,
    And all the GOPers make fucking excuses for him [John Roberts].

    As far as I can tell, Roberts is another globalist and, as corollary, a believer in redistribution of wealth. Of course the GOP elites adore him!
