
Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg.

Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia – 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg.


Gateway Pundit:
Natalia Veselnitskaya was sitting with Obama’s Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul during a Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, 8 days after cold-contacting Trump Jr. in Trump Tower.
MORE— That looks like Emin Agalarov sitting next to Natalia Veselnitskaya. He was mentioned in Donald Trump Jr’s statement this morning. 
Emin helped set up the meeting with Veselnitskaya. 
Veselnitskaya was also connected to Fusion GPS, the DNC opposition research firm that produced the fraudulent and discredited Trump Dossier. 
So why was Veselnitskaya hanging out with Obama officials just days after her meeting with Donald Trump Jr.? 
And why was Veselnitskaya given a privileged seat up front during the Congressional hearing?



So there’s a current working theory that this was the bait used to get the FISA warrant for the monitoring of Trump in October 2016 Heat Street reported Nov. 7, 2016.
A NYTimes reporter also spilled the beans when he complained about Trump Jr's leak saying he’d been working on the story for over a year. 

See this tweet:

So NYT knew about this virtually from day one they were in on the loop & it appears this was bait dangled by the Clinton/Obama camps who manufactured enough "evidence"/"suspicion" to justify a FISA Warrant by Obama to spy on Trump.

GatewayPundit also suggests that Emin Agalarov, who arranged the meet w/Jr. is also in that courtroom image....A side by side comparison of him from this video sure looks like it could be him


And Natalia also has a photo of NEVERTRUMPER John McCain in her photos dated 2015

Natalia Veselnitskaya could have known Michael McFaul going all the way back to 2008 when McFaul was in Russia as an Obama campaign advisor.
“Michael McFaul, who served as U.S. ambassador to Russia during the Obama administration, said that he was in Moscow meeting with officials in the weeks leading up to Obama’s 2008 election win.”

McFaul is the architect of the “Russia reset”  (2011)


Natalia Veselnitskaya on her own personal Facebook


Archive of her Facebook from anon

Russian Lawyer Linked To GPS Fusion and Former MI6 officer Christopher Steele Who Authored Trump Dossier 

From Wikileaks:

RE: Video Request: Trump in 2013 Music Video
Music video by Emin Agalarov, son of Putin-tied, Russian real estate oligarch Featuring Donald Trump
Another Music video by Emin featuring Trump

This DNC hit job to connect Emin to Putin and then Emin to President Trump was planned BEFORE THE DNC WAS “HACKED” BY “RUSSIA”. This was their end game all along. Their next “bombshell” will be “Who is this Emin that set up the meeting? Oh wow he’s connected to Putin and here is President Trump in his music video”. This is how they’re going to use this bullshit cooked up meeting to go after President Trump. All planned since May of 2016 before anyone was f**king “hacked”.
Biden talked with Aliyev May 20th about meetings May 16th in Vienna, so I am wondering where the photo of Aliyev with Kerry is captioned for DC. More talks planned for June. Wonder what was all discussed.

another tweet by Natalia illustrates her anti-Trump sentiments


  1. So there’s a current working theory that this was the bait used to get the FISA warrant for the monitoring of Trump in October 2016 Heat Street reported Nov. 7, 2016.
    A NYTimes reporter also spilled the beans when he complained about Trump Jr's leak saying he’d been working on the story for over a year.

    See this tweet:

    So NYT knew about this virtually from day one they were in on the loop & it appears this was bait dangled by the Clinton/Obama camps who manufactured enough "evidence"/"suspicion" to justify a FISA Warrant by Obama to spy on Trump.

    GatewayPundit also suggests that Emin Agalarov, who arranged the meet w/Jr. is also in that courtroom image....A side by side comparison of him from this video sure looks like it could be him


    (above family tree image stolen from TheConservativeTreehouse - with lots more information)


    Natalia also has a photo of McCain in her photos dated 2015

  4. Natalia Veselnitskaya could have known Michael McFaul going all the way back to 2008 when McFaul was in Russia as an Obama campaign advisor.
    “Michael McFaul, who served as U.S. ambassador to Russia during the Obama administration, said that he was in Moscow meeting with officials in the weeks leading up to Obama’s 2008 election win.”

    McFaul is the architect of the “Russia reset” (2011)

    Natalia Veselnitskaya on her own personal Facebook w/ Anti-Trump propaganda images Archive

    Archive of her Facebook from anon

    Russian Lawyer Linked To GPS Fusion and Former MI6 officer Christopher Steele Who Authored Trump Dossier


    RE: Video Request: Trump in 2013 Music Video
    Music video by Emin Agalarov, son of Putin-tied, Russian real estate oligarch Featuring Donald Trump
    Another Music video by Emin featuring Trump

    This DNC hit job to connect Emin to Putin and then Emin to President Trump was planned BEFORE THE DNC WAS “HACKED” BY “RUSSIA”. This was their end game all along. Their next “bombshell” will be “Who is this Emin that set up the meeting? Oh wow he’s connected to Putin and here is President Trump in his music video”. This is how they’re going to use this bullshit cooked up meeting to go after President Trump. All planned since May of 2016 before anyone was f**king “hacked”.
    Biden talked with Aliyev May 20th about meetings May 16th in Vienna, so I am wondering where the photo of Aliyev with Kerry is captioned for DC. More talks planned for June. Wonder what was all discussed.

    another tweet by Natalia illustrates her anti-Trump sentiments

  6. This is all IRRELEVANT.

    Trump Jr desired to have a meeting with foreign nationals offering to help his campaign with information originating from a foreign source .. the meeting should have contained an undercover FBI agent and a surreptitious media member of unquestioned reliability.

    Manafort deserved to be canned just for being at or allowing the mtg. HE is experienced.

    DJT Jr's desire to win overcame his judgment, his objectivity and his sense of WTF is RIGHT.

    That's the issue NOT what the dems did, the russians did or any other obfuscating 3rd grade excuse for this. If HRC/Obama dreamed this up, it merely PROVES their art of politics is far superior to Trump's

  7. Pasto,
    Veselnitskaya was also connected to Fusion GPS, the DNC opposition research firm that produced the fraudulent and discredited Trump Dossier.

    The "dossier" with the golden showers?

  8. I'd like to know more about the family dynamics -- the relationship between Donald, Jr., and his father.

    Is it possible that DJT didn't know about this failed meeting? "Failed" in the sense that DJT, Jr., didn't get any goods on Hillary.

  9. Jr said the mtg was such a nothing, he never mentioned it

  10. Epa,
    DJT Jr's desire to win overcame his judgment, his objectivity and his sense of WTF is RIGHT.

    Combined with desiring to win his father's favor? See my previous comment in this thread.

    DJT, JR., says that his father didn't know about this meeting. Is that possible? I think so -- IF DJT, Jr. and his father are somehow "estranged"?


  12. AoW. I don;t think they are estranged, just 2 very busy guys. Remember how lean the campaign was?

  13. You are incorrect, Epa.

    DJT Jr. reported this meeting quite awhile back.

  14. It's a shame McCain doesn't play baseball.

  15. Pasto,
    DJT Jr. reported this meeting quite awhile back.

    Is there a word about this in the msm? If so, where?

  16. Yes, AOW, it was in the first NYT article on this story last Saturday.

  17. Here is the 7-9-17 NYT article as it appears today:

    """The Trump Tower meeting was disclosed to government officials in recent weeks, when Mr. Kushner, who is also a senior White House aide, filed a revised version of a confidential form required to obtain a security clearance."""

    "Recent weeks"

    I think it had originally been even more vague about the timeline of when Kushner reported it. I also do not recall the original NYT article specifying WHO reported the meeting. I think the NYT has changed the article a little bit.

    I am not sure about that.

    Another thing, however, Epa keeps saying this is information from the Russian government. That is not what the original times report said:

    Here's what the NYT article says (read it carefully guys, remember this is the NYT which has continually lied about Trump using "anonymous source" after "anonymous source" - AND IN RETROSPECT SOMETIMES WE KNOW THEY KNEW THEY WERE LYING)

    """President Trump’s eldest son, Donald Trump Jr., was promised damaging information about Hillary Clinton before agreeing to meet with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer during the 2016 campaign, according to three advisers to the White House briefed on the meeting and two others with knowledge of it."""


    So, a Kremlin-connected" lawyer comes and we're supposed to think that is official government information?

    I know busiinessmen who would say they are White House Connected because they did business with Ed Meese, or with t his or that Richard Nixon guy (I live in OC where Nixon and Meese had huge bases).

    This is BULLSHIT, my friends.

    Absolute BULLSHIT!

  18. Pasto,
    it was in the first NYT article on this story last Saturday.

    Thanks. I'll look into it.

    I missed last Saturday's news. Stuff going on here.

  19. Pasto!

    according to three advisers to the White House briefed on the meeting and two others with knowledge of it

    Who the hell would that be? Five people?

  20. Could a disgruntled Paul Manafort be one of those five people? I think that he got fired for participating in this very meeting.

  21. Pasto,
    Calling your attention to this Tweet, which Anonymous mentioned in the first comment to this thread.

  22. Hi AOW,
    Which article is this from?

    " ... according to three advisers to the White House briefed on the meeting and two others with knowledge of it ..."
