
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Significant Oil Discovery off Coast of Mexico

An international consortium of oil companies has struck oil in shallow waters off the coast of Mexico in what could be one of the five largest discoveries in the past five years, and among the top fifteen in the last two decades. The find could be good for 1.4 to 2 billion barrels of light crude. . . .
This is a big win for Mexico, which two years ago decided to allow private companies to participate in energy projects. If this find turns out to be as significant as early indicators seem to have it, expect even more international companies to get interested.
It’s also yet another reminder of just how off the “peak oil” prognosticators have been. This is a substantive find of easy to process light crude in shallow waters; no fracking or next-gen technological requirements will be necessary to exploit it. Greens may not love it, but the age of oil appears to not quite yet be over.


  1. Good Mexico can support their freeloaders we are about to send back to them...

    Top Trump official warns special immigration status may end soon for a million people

    President Donald Trump’s top immigration official warned Hispanic members of Congress Wednesday that over a million people living in the United States under a special protected status could soon be placed in line for deportation.

    More Christian than Muslim refugees admitted to the US in first months of Trump administration than under Obama.

  3. Anonymous,
    Good Mexico can support their freeloaders we are about to send back to them...

    And pay for the wall!

  4. If you read the article you will see Mexico only started finding oil when they opened up their oil industry to foreigners.

