
Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sebastian Gorka Was Right: Rex Tillerson Won’t Say Radical Islam… Just Like McMaster

Notice Tillerson focuses only on containing this nebulous "terrorism."

There is NO mention of Islam, or of an enemy.

No mention even of the notion of defeating an enemy.

What a fag.


  1. We are screwed. "They" won.

  2. The globalists are a reality. Trillions have been spent steering the world towards the NWO, even the pope is going towards one world religion. Nothing can change that. Both Dems and Reps have bought into it, and that's where we are going. I have no doubt. Gorka or Bannon cannot change that. The push is too hard. Too much invested in it.

  3. Trump was my hope. I trusted he could change the path, but we keep going straight down the same path as before.
