
Thursday, October 19, 2017

Attorney General Sessions Says Rosenstein Can Investigate HIMSELF in Uranium One Criminal Probe

Mueller, Eric Holder, Rubenstein, and Comey all had specific knowledge of the bribes, payoffs, play for play, coercion, money-laundering and extortion taking place during the Russian acquisition of 20% of America's uranium.

This is only curious, because these are the same characters involved in the investigation of the Trump/Russia collusion investigation.

The troubling part of this becoming known is when Attorney General Jeff Sessions was asked if Rubenstein the Deputy Attorney General should be allowed to investigate his own role in the Russian/Clinton collusion investigation into these allegations of criminal activity, Sessions replied: "It would be his [Rubenstein's] decision. He is a man of integrity and ability..."

 HT: TL Davis at Christian Mercenary.

Sessions is proving to be Trumps biggest, and possibly fatal, mistake.


  1. Bottom line: everything sucks, and we are screwed.

  2. Mueller, Eric Holder, Rubenstein, and Comey all had specific knowledge of the bribes, payoffs, play for play, coercion, money-laundering and extortion taking place during the Russian acquisition of 20% of America's uranium. This is only curious, because these are the same characters involved in the investigation of the Trump/Russia collusion investigation.

    The troubling part of this becoming known is when Attorney General Jeff Sessions was asked if Rubenstein the Deputy Attorney General should be allowed to investigate his own role in the Russian/Clinton collusion investigation into these allegations of criminal activity, Sessions replied: "It would be his [Rubenstein's] decision. He is a man of integrity and ability..."

    HT: TL Davis at Christian Mercenary.

    Sessions is proving to be Trumps biggest, and possibly fatal, mistake.

  3. What Sessions said was that it was Rosenstein’s decision, but that he should consult the Justice Department’s ethics department. It’s a textbook ethics violation if Rosenstein decides to proceed.
    Perhaps, Sessions just laid the trap.
