
Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Russia, Russia, Russia - Hillary Was Colluding With Putin To Bring Down The United States

FBI Informant Working on Russian Nuclear Bribery Scheme Was THREATENED by the Obama Administration

Hannity’s Best Ever Monologue: ‘Hillary Clinton and Her Husband Sold Out America to the Russians!’ (VIDEO)

What Did Mueller Know? Real Clinton-Russia Scandal Dwarfs Anything Invented About PDT

Wow: Samantha Power Claims Other Obama Minions Pretending to Be Her Made Unmasking Requests in Her Name


  1. High treason in high places!

    And the beat goes on.

  2. From this comment at my blog today:

    SilverfiddleOctober 18, 2017 at 12:20:00 PM EDT

    Ruh Roh Rorge!

    FBI uncovered Russian criminal activity surrounding the uranium deal... before Hillary and other Obama ministers approved the deal.

    So far, every documented shady Russian connection, is to Democrats (e-mail hacking, golden shower dossier, nuclear deal)

    It's becoming pretty clear Obama's shady dealers and intel abusers blithely assumed Hillary would win and their criminality never uncovered.
