
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Donald Trump Tweets Videos of Muslim Aggression Against The West, Twitter Has Removed Three So Far

The Last English Prince tells me the third Trump Tweet they took down included a video of a group of Muslims beating a Dutch boy on crutches.

Here are some screen shots of Trump Tweets on Islamic aggression in the past few days:

It appears to me that the video of the Dutch boy has NOT been taken down.

Here it is:
I am so happy we have a President who actually cares about this issue.


  1. The mainstream media are having a meldown over DJT's having tweeted these videos. I expect the RINO's to pile on.

  2. worth repeating:

    joeknuckles says:
    November 30, 2017 at 1:04 am "Why is a video of Muslims doing what Muslims do an “anti-Islam” video. If Isis had put it out, it would be called a recruiting video."

  3. RT,
    I noticed the media's breakdown over this. Damn funny to watch, isn't it?

    Have they been putting Islamophilic "experts" on the screen, too?

  4. That's a great point, Anonymous. Thanks.
