
Monday, January 22, 2018

Time to Let the PEOPLE Govern thru Their Elected Representative-KILL 60 vote CLOTURE and Make Parties ACCOUNTABLE

But back when men like Sen. Everett Dirksen and others could be depended upon to (usually) work for the benefit of the nation, and not MERELY party, or its substitute of some kind of ideology, which perforce must now be opposed by evildoers, racists, Nazis, or some other progressive equivalent of self appointed commissars of elite autocracy, this might have been workable.

But not really.
Instead, now we have committed ideologues who USE the 60 vote rule to prevent governance on one hand and find it a convenient excuse to explain why nothing can be achieved and no act committed, thus avoiding the worst possible situation – COMMITTING AN ACT AND ACTUALLY BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR COMMITTING ACTS, LATER.
Both parties right now are hostage to their extremist elements which most Americans find revolting. This is not new. There was a time when BOTH radical abolitionists and slaveholders were held in contempt by those whose ideal was to hold the Union together (most Americans) SOMEHOW.
Thus it is now impossible to see ANY ISSUE except through the lens of ‘the other guys are evil’.
By the time this filters back to a vote we SELDOM get a Senate in which 60 votes can be built, and NEVER get one where 67 voted can be found (thus we get Obamacare, and see the executive act in favor of multiple canards to enact a JCPOA which CANNOT LAST because it could NEVER have gotten 67 votes).
So let’s make each party as they achieve a majority in the Senate and House ACCOUNTABLE immediately, especially if the prez is of the same party, and if they cannot act then, GET RID OF THEM, and if they enact stupid legislation VOTE THEM OUT.
We would probably NOT have a shutdown now (the HOUSE which requires a simple majority, and limits debate, HAS ACTED).
If we get a series of rash and unacceptable mobocracy actions I have CONFIDENCE we will ultimately restore cloture, just as I had FULL confidence that electing someone non white to the presidency was bound to occur.
In the end we ARE fair, idealistic, and VIGILANT in this place, because we WANT to believe in the ideals that sprang out of those men in that lucky time.
So let’s make the parties BOTH accountable, and see if that moderates the extremes, and causes them to enact laws which make sense and GOVERN as we voted them to do, because, JUST LIKE EXTREME MUTATIONS, laws which follow extreme ideas are bound to fail and are NON SURVIVAL actions for lawmakers.





  1. Little hope on my end. Little hope when reading about the latest elected official (Gov. Greitens R-Missouri) who found enough free time to tie up his lover and take demeaning blackmail images, slapped her across the chops when discovering she was trying to reconcile with her husband. Yes, I know the time-line is prior to his election. But Missouri citizens imagined a man with character and the requisite "family values".

    The self-righteous, sanctimonious and those with self-interest enter public service.

    They feed us the bull. We pay for the delivery.

  2. Excellent and concise link on the Gang of Six.

  3. IMO, the 60-vote rule is an end run around the will of the people.

  4. Excellent article, I believe the founders put sufficient checks and balances in our constitution. Does anybody see the parallel between God's 10 rules and the 1/2 million that were added to it. Just a thought.

  5. Epa writes:

    Both parties right now are hostage to their extremist elements which most Americans find revolting. This is not new. There was a time when BOTH radical abolitionists and slaveholders were held in contempt by those whose ideal was to hold the Union together (most Americans) SOMEHOW.

    I RESPOND: While I agree with your sentiment- and while I, as a Trump supporter, am convinced that there is nothing in common between me and the evil ideologies of Nazism and Racism - I would also assert that the series of stalemates we are in are a kind of temporary detente, or Hudna, in a oncoming cviil war here in Western Civilization, which is no longer avoidable.

    It is inevitable at this point.

    As such these Hudnas are serving the purpose of exhausting all peaceful means, before we take up arms against each other.

  6. Anybody in agreement with Pasto's sobering thoughts?

  7. Anonymous,
    I think that the scenario which Pasto paints is possible.

    Our so-called elected public servants keep trying end runs around the will of the people.

    Do we even have a representative government any longer?

  8. RIDICULOUS! There are no 'two sides' extremists, BS! There are only extremists on the Left currently and the middle- roaders (RINOS) who allow them to run wild.

  9. I still would rather have the governor of Missouri in charge rather than the current fools who have fomented a situation in which I am forced to bake a cake for people I consider debased perverts
