
Saturday, February 24, 2018

Peter Wang, He did not have a duty to help anyone, He did not have a gun or a vest, instead he selflessly sacrificed his life to help his fellow students



    About as close to a stand down order...see comment

  2. ... but at least three other @browardsheriff deputies who were waiting outside the school. The Coral Springs officers were told by BSO officers on the scene to wait, but the Coral Springs officers blew past them and immediately entered the building.

  3. NYPost 2/24/2017:
    (Ironically, Broward County won Team Obama praise for its schools’ embrace of “restorative justice” policies that offer counseling and other social services in lieu of reporting bullying, assault, drug abuse and so on to the police.)"

  4. School Shooting Plot Exposed: You Wont Believe who Set it Up

    This link takes you to a well sourced & originally sourced essay which takes all of Sundance's research over at TheConservativeTreehouse and adds his own material from personal observation and interviews in the county...well written and highly recommend


    Article dated July 15th, 2012

    Superintendent Robert Runcie and President Barack Obama: Two Peas in a Pod?
    =====>"As Robert Runcie nears completion of his first year as superintendent of Broward County Public Schools, the manner in which he plans to run things seems very clear; like President Barack Obama. "<=====


    Did you also know Broward County Education was involved with multiple financial scandals? Here's a sampling of 6 stories -

  7. CNN: Investigation underway
    =====>"Coral Springs officers and Broward County Sheriff's deputies have been at odds over what happened and who responded first.
    When Coral Springs police officers arrived at the school, they were surprised to find that the school resource officer and three sheriff's deputies had not entered the building, sources tell CNN.
    The sources cautioned that surveillance tapes are under review and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.
    The Broward County Sheriff's Office said it is investigating reports that the three additional deputies didn't attempt to enter the building as the shooting was going on.
    Peterson, the school's resource officer, resigned following his suspension Thursday.
    "I was disgusted. I was just demoralized with the performance of former deputy (Scot) Peterson," Israel said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."
    Israel said the actions of the three sheriff's deputies are under investigation."

    Hold on. Monitor sees Cruz walkin towards building at 2:19pm. Radio's it in.(to Peterson). Says in less than 1minute shooting started. BUT a student saw Cruz in 2nd level hallway loading his guns. 2:21-2:28pm? Did Cruz know fire alarms override Code Red? ➡ …


    Campus Monitor radios co-worker (Peterson? campus safety) sees Cruz wearing tshirt, pants, hat. Radio warning. LESS THAN ONE MINUTE SHOOTING STARTS "Code Red." How did Cruz: •get inside •put on full metal garb, armor, helmet, mask •load up gun

    CNN Video clip...
    Sheriff Scott Israel: "I exercised due diligence. I've given amazing leadership to this agency. It makes me sick to my stomach that the other deputy didn't go in, cause I know if I was there, if I was on that wall, would have been the first in."

  11. Anonymous,
    Broward County won Team Obama praise for its schools’ embrace of “restorative justice” policies that offer counseling and other social services in lieu of reporting bullying, assault, drug abuse and so on to the police.

    Blood on their hands. Now, who will hold any of these people with bloody hands accountable?
