
Sunday, March 04, 2018

Criticizing the Pope now verboten on YouTube. Are blasphemy laws part of your official policy?

These last few days have been VERY DARK DAYS for the unrolling scroll of American History.

I don't know if you have noticed what is happening, but we are losing our Freedoms to a Corporatocracy (Government-Media/Academia Complex) who are hell-bent are eliminating Traditional Conservatism from the public debate.

This has been happening for a few years now, but the last few days have seen multiple exponential increases in the speed and breadth of the elimination.

It is a chilling sight to behold.

I am ready for the Revolution.

Bring it on.


  1. What happened? Did the Pope convert to Islam?

    Yep, dark days indeed. I notice that the New York Times is now gone over to complete idiocy. They have endorsed lowering the voting age to 16, since teenagers are so intelligent and mature, while simultaneously advocating raising the age for gun purchasers to 21 because this same cohort is too stupid and immature to be trusted with firearms.

    And they are oblivious to the contradiction.

  2. I'm sure that the rule would be reversed if another Pope John Paul II came along.

  3. The good news is that this is happening because we might actually be winning! And as we divest our reliance on FB and Twitter - invest in privately financed ventures - we just have to stay ahead of the curve with our own marketing practices.

  4. Think of the internet as a world. Website are cities.

    These new spaces you are talking about will be ghettoes.

  5. Pasto,
    we are losing our Freedoms to a Corporatocracy (Government-Media/Academia Complex) who are hell-bent are eliminating Traditional Conservatism from the public debate.

    This has been happening for a few years now, but the last few days have seen multiple exponential increases in the speed and breadth of the elimination.

    I've noticed!

    I can't imagine that any counter-narrative social media platforms will possibly be able to survive.
