
Saturday, March 03, 2018

REPORT: FBI Interviewed Huma Abedin ONE MONTH After Closing Hillary Email Investigation

Yes, This Is Huma Weiner
Yes, Huma Weiner, That's Right
I Don't See What's So Funny About That

The Washington Post reported:
The FBI interviewed top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin around the holidays last winter — more than a month and a half after the politically charged investigation into Clinton’s email practices had seemed to conclude for a second time, according to people familiar with the probe. 
Agents were focused on how Abedin’s and Clinton’s messages ended up on a laptop used by former congressman Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), Abedin’s estranged husband, these people said. They considered their look at Clinton complete but still had questions about whether Abedin should have told them about the messages sooner, the people said. 
Prosecutors had told Abedin throughout the case that she was a witness, a person familiar with the matter said, and after talking with her for a final time, they would conclude they had no reason to charge her with any crimes. 
Typically, witnesses are not viewed suspiciously by investigators, unlike those categorized as subjects or targets of an investigation.  
Karen Dunn, Abedin’s lawyer, said, “There was never any suggestion by the government that Huma had done anything wrong. To the contrary, she was told that her full and voluntary cooperation as a witness in their investigation was appreciated. Having done her part to assist the government, Huma is a private citizen now and should be left to live her life in peace.”

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