
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Almost a Year After the Political Assassination at the Baseball Field, and Our Upright and Truth-Telling FBI Still Won't Admit The Obviously-Politically-Motivated Attack Was Politically Motivated

Why should anyone ever trust the FBI, ever?

From Ace of Spades:
On June 14, 2017, James Hodgkinson tried to kill Republican members of Congress as their baseball practice broke up. Today, just one month shy of the one year anniversary of that date, Buzzfeed has published a look back that morning which contains some striking detail. 
Ultimately, the FBI refused to say the shooter had a political motive, though it's clear to everyone who was on the field that day that he did: 
The FBI briefed the players on their findings in the fall of last year. Several members were shocked they wouldn't call the shooting politically motivated. Palmer ended up leaving after about a half hour. 
"I think most people were really upset," Palmer says. "I think I may have been the first one that really called them out, and then after I did everybody kind of piled on. I guess everybody was upset. Everybody knew that what they were saying was a crock. The guy had a list. He came there to shoot Republicans." 
He thinks they "misrepresented what happened because of concerns over the political fallout." 
"I felt like they blew it off." 
"They said, 'So essentially this was suicide by cop.' And we’re like, 'Only?' And I can tell you, I can buy that from what I saw at the end, where he walked out openly shooting," Wenstrup says. 
"But let’s not kid ourselves here. You look at his website. He hates Republicans. He had the names of six Republicans in his pocket. He had -- his social media is full of it. He camped out there for two months planning this, to kill Republicans. Did he hope to die at the end? Maybe."

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