
Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Amid conflict, Jews and Muslims in US seek solidarity

From the Seattle Times:
DETROIT (AP) — As turmoil spreads through the Middle East, American Jews and Muslims have been forming alliances to build trust and seek solidarity in more ambitious ways than in the past, a sharp contrast to the violence engulfing their homelands this week. 
Muslims and Jews have dispatched members into mosques and synagogues to learn about each other’s faiths, made a joint trip to tour civil rights sites in the South and formed partnerships involving CEOs of major corporations. 
Leaders of the groups said the challenging world events have provided impetus for the outreach efforts, including violence in Gaza, the Trump administration’s moving of the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, the travel ban from mostly Muslim countries and deepening concern about hate crimes. 
“If there’s ever a time to talk, it’s now,” said the executive director for the Los Angeles-based group NewGround, Aziza Hasan.

Hamas Urges Palestinians Toward Injury and Death

This morning, BackChannels copied and pasted to its Facebook “reading page” the following quotation: — At a gathering point east of Gaza City, organizers urged demonstrators to burst through the fence, telling them Israeli soldiers were fleeing their positions, even as they were reinforcing them. —

 “Israelis kill more than 50 Palestinians in Gaza protests, health officials say”



  1. Israeli rapid response fired warning shots....resulting in too many jihadists retreating with ample determination to try again another day.

  2. Why can't the U.S. have this kind of deterrence at OUR Border? Liberals Jews in America agitate for open borders,
    but they have very strong borders for themselves in Israel. Why doesn't anybody talk about that?
