
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Noam Chomsky Says Christians and Republicans Are the Real Threats to the World

From PJM:
Noam Chomsky may not be a household name in most circles, but the philosopher and linguist has a reputation in academic and political circles for his outspoken radical left worldview. 
In a recent 90-minute speech at St. Olaf College (no word if Rose Nylund is an alumna), Chomsky declared that he knows the biggest threat to the world. And boy, is it a doozy! So, is the truest threat to the world North Korea? Is it Iran or ISIS? How about Russia or China? Nope. According to Chomsky, nuclear war and climate change are pretty scary, but the big threats to our planet are the Republican Party and Christianity. 
Campus Reform listed some of the barbs that Chomsky had for the GOP: 
“It’s not just the current administration” that he disdains, however; Chomsky maintained that Republicans in general are “dramatically leading a race to destruction” as they support the use of fossil fuels. During the 2016 primaries, for instance, Chomsky declared that “the entire leadership of the party was saying let’s quickly destroy ourselves,” citing candidates like Ohio Gov. John Kasich who supported coal energy, though he contended that “it’s gotten far more extreme since Trump took office.” 
“By now, half of Republican voters deny that global warming is taking place at all, and only 30 percent think humans may be contributing,” he lamented. “I don’t think you can find anything like that among any significant part of the population anywhere in the world, and it should tell us something. One thing it should tell us is there’s a lot to do for those who hope that maybe organized human life will survive.” 
Chomsky declared that Donald Trump can "prance around in public, but please go away and let us move towards peace, disarmament, and unification without disrupting the process." 
He characterized North Korea as a nation that is seeking peace, seeming to ignore the belligerence it has demonstrated until recently. 
During the question and answer session after his talk, Chomsky aimed his misguided philosophizing at Christianity, saying that the faith that isn't Islam has set out to threaten the globe. 
“People in high places now claim to be devout Christians, and on the basis of Christian ideals they’re saying let’s proceed to destroy the world,” Chomsky asserted, adding, “I don’t know anybody in the Islamic world that’s doing that.” 
Where has he been? From everything I've seen, the regimes oppressing women, children, and gays aren't Christian. The nations that threaten modern democracy do not worship Jesus as Lord. The vast majority of acts of terrorism aren't committed by Baptists or Episcopalians either. There's a common thread through most of the violence in the world: radical Islam. 
And let's not forget the atheistic communist nations that have killed tens of millions of their citizens — some of them because of their Christian faith. Sure, there have been some bad actors throughout history who have claimed to act on behalf of Christianity, but if we're not supposed to judge Islam by its worst adherents, we shouldn't paint Christianity with such a broad brush.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Noam shut up! Like McCain you'll be dead soon and nobody will miss you.
