
Monday, June 18, 2018

No poster for you!

Who needs Muslims when you've got useful infidels:
An activist who was refused service at Officeworks for attempting to print out anti-Islamic posters has hit out at the chain store, claiming his right to freedom of speech has been violated.
What's amusing is that the posters were so mild.
'The chap on the counter puts the USB stick in like he always does, gets the first screen up like he always does - and calls his young manager over.
'[The manager] then gives me a lecture on their shop policy and tells me that they will not print anything that is offensive to Muslims and especially not in the holy month of Ramadan.'
[Emphasis mine.]
The Muslims have instilled such fear by their almost daily acts of violence all over the globe that an Australian pussy is refusing to print anything that even hints of upsetting the peaceful followers of Islam.

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