
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Hungarian President Viktor Orban Warns, EU Plans to Denationalise Border Protection and Put Brussels in Charge Present a Serious Threat to Hungary and the Whole of Europe

EU plans to denationalise border protection and put Brussels in charge present a serious threat to Hungary and the whole of Europe, Viktor Orbán has warned. 
The European Parliament’s vote on Thursday to censure Hungary over so-called “values” poses very little threat, the prime minister said, declaring that a much bigger battle will be over EU draft law which would put Brussels in control of national border protection and asylum policy. 
On Wednesday, German Chancellor Angela Merkel claimed stopping illegal immigration would require “that the countries with an external border must give up some of their national responsibilities”. 
“That requires a degree of solidarity, it is about people coming to us or our duty to make legal migration possible to help countries that are in trouble,” she added.

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