
Friday, September 28, 2018

Whoa: Doxing of Mike Lee, Lindsay Graham, and Orrin Hatch Traced to Capitol Hill

Whoa: Doxing of Mike Lee, Lindsay Graham, and Orrin Hatch Traced to Capitol Hill

I need Charlie Sykes and Senorita Steve Hayes and Ben Shapiro to lecture me more about my need to be more pleasant to the left.

"Ben Shapiro is a fag."


  1. Heads need to roll for doxing a Senator.

  2. An excellent summation from Aesop at the Raconteur Report:

    And worst of all, they've happily set lying whores, and their baseless allegations, above the actual damage done to the nominee's family, a wife and two daughters, and irreparably harmed the cause of women who've suffered actual assaults, by reducing them all to the same calculus, in tarring them all with same presumption that every allegation is just a cheap stunt for political gain. And the defective delusional leftard harpies of the chorus, who couldn't get laid at a nerd conference even if their tits were Xbox controllers, are happy to sell their shriveled carbonized souls for the merest whiff of a chance to derail a slam-dunk SCOTUS nominee who doesn't share their beliefs in the disposability of unborn babies, whose antics can provide them the fifteen minutes of fame they treasure above actual accomplishment, and the attention they could never get from a lifetime of fatherless upbringings.

    We're witnessing the destruction of the entire rule of law to salve the tortured psychoses of sluts with daddy issues, and to pander to their impotent ravings.

    The only way this stops is to stop catering to it, and failing that due to a surplus of invertebrate RINOs, this is going to be rectified in the traditional manner.

    When a man's reputation is sullied so casually, it ends with someone's teeth on the pavement, or a bullet hole in their liver on the dueling field.
    Dulce et decorum est.

    When you try to do the same thing to half of society, expecting it'll stop anywhere short of heads on pikes is a pipe dream. And I'm not speaking metaphorically in the slightest.

    Because this is no longer just about Kavanaugh and his confirmation, though even Bitch McConjob finally seems to have found his voice - and spine - over this latest outrage.
    This effort is nothing less than the permanent Othering of the entire species of soy-free meat-eating conservative males.

    This is the Left finally working themselves up to the frenzy of a Kristallnacht.

    And there's only one answer to that sort of cultural jihad:
    Challenge accepted.

    We wanted fair play.
    The moonbats want to play Cowboys and Leftards.

    As Timothy Turtle told ChuckU Schumer when the Senate dropped the bomb on cloture:
    "You're going to regret this. And soon."
