
Friday, October 26, 2018

How To Handle Leftists

My initial reaction to this video is that, while the host presents a worthwhile topic, and it is thoughtful, and it does begin a conversation that needs to be had in our society, it is at the same time, a Steppin' Fetchit strategy, which accepts, somehow, that we Conservatives do not have a right to our opinion in the public square.

And that we should, as the host says, "learn how to smile, and bob and weave" our way out of conversations.

Readers of this blog may have noticed that that is not my strategy in life. I do not believe in hiding my opinions. I do not believe in avoiding confrontation.

The way I see it, I will not become a Steppin' Fetchit, when I have just as much right to sit at the front of the bus as does anyone else. Or to enter the movie theater, or to espouse my views in public.

We can not afford to cede the public square.

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