
Saturday, January 26, 2019

Europe 'coming apart before our eyes', say 30 top intellectuals: Group of historians and writers publish manifesto warning against rise of populism

Stand-In Dweeby Intellectual


Somehow, "warning against the rise of Populism" sounds an awful lot like "The War on Terror". A phrase inspired by the fear of naming the enemy.

The enemy in this case is The People Demanding Their Right to Govern According To The Will Of The People.

Fuck those fucking intellectuals. "Intellect" is their assertion of dominance. If they don't relent from their tyranny, they are going to learn about another kind of dominance:
Liberal values in Europe face a challenge “not seen since the 1930s”, leading intellectuals from 21 countries have said, as the UK lurches towards Brexit and nationalists look set to make sweeping gains in EU parliamentary elections. 
The group of 30 writers, historians and Nobel laureates declared in a manifesto published in several newspapers, including the Guardian, that Europe as an idea was “coming apart before our eyes”. 
“We must now will Europe or perish beneath the waves of populism,” the document reads. “We must rediscover political voluntarism or accept that resentment, hatred and their cortege of sad passions will surround and submerge us.”


  1. Salman Rushdie naturally, Mario Vargas Llosa sadly.

  2. Substitute "Europe" with "our budding, demonic, totalitarian dictatorship."
    I fixed it for them.
