
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Report: Saudi Islamic Government to Bulldoze Biblical “Mountain of Moses” Site Where Moses Met God

Security analyst Ryan Mauro and the Doubting Thomas Research Foundation released a documentary with detailing their evidence of Sinai in Saudi Arabia. 
It is claimed there is proof of the Israelites encampment at the foot of the mountain, which also has a blackened peak as if it was set on fire. Historians and Biblical scholars remained divided on the location of the real Sinai in the Middle East. 
However, the researchers and explorers fear its location could never be found if the Neom project bulldozes the area. 
Bible scholars have claimed there is evidence that suggests the peak Jabal al-Lawz in the Middle Eastern kingdom is actually Mount Sinai. 
The site is a 8,460 foot peak known as the “mountain of almonds”, located in north east Saudi Arabia near the border with Jordan. 
Moses leads the Israelites to the mountain which is enveloped by fire, smoke and thunder, according to the Book of Exodus in the Bible. 
The prophet then ascends Mount Sinai where he convenes with God to receive the Ten Commandments. Experts from the Doubting Thomas Research Foundation have backed the location of Sinai, and also pointed out the fact it lies right in the footprint of proposed Saudi mega city Neom. 
Neom is a project proposed by Riyadh that would cover 10,200 square miles – 33 times the size of New York – and would end up covering the suspected Holy site from the Bible.


  1. Sunday 28 October 2012
    UKIndependent: Why don't more Muslims speak out against the wanton destruction of Mecca's holy sites?
    Saudi Arabia's Wahabists are tearing down buildings that have links to the Prophet and replacing them with skyscrapers and shopping malls

    How many of those imams have bothered to get animated about what has happened in Mecca and Medina? How many are outraged that the house of Muhammad’s first wife Khadijah was pulled down and replaced with a block of public toilets

  2. A recent campaign has started in the UK to Save Muslim Heritage after the inhumane desecration and attempted exhumation of the body of a revered companion of the Holy Prophet of Islam in Damascus, Syria by rebels on 2nd May 2013. Please join our campaign before our entire heritage around the middle east is demolished in the pathetic name of "idolatry" worship by these extremists! Who gave the Al-Saud family "Kings" the right to demolish Islamic heritage just because they politically govern Saudi Arabia? Disgusting human beings with not an ounce of humanity in them! No human right values...everything the religion of Islam came to destroy they resurrected! How about the Saudi’s justify their "kingdom"? Is this how the Prophet lived? Hypocrites!!

  3. 15 March 2013

    The photos Saudi Arabia doesn't want seen – and proof Islam's most holy relics are being demolished in Mecca

    Medina: Saudis take a bulldozer to Islam's history Authorities are building a mosque so big it will hold 1.6m people – but are demolishing irreplaceable monuments to do it
    26 October 2012

  4. You're not going to catch me crying about that.


  5. Oh no, the Architecture of Hell is being demolished!!?!!!?!!!??!!!!!

  6. Report: Saudi Islamic Government to Bulldoze Biblical “Mountain of Moses” Site Where Moses Met God

    Well, my God is able to withstand this kind of piss-ant onslaught.

    Unlike Allah, who constantly needs to be defended by his followers.

  7. I have heard Muslims use this phrase:

    "You are humiliating the Prophet".

    Besides sounding like a euphemism for Masturbation, this phrase says a lot about, not only the Muslim psyche, but about Allah and Islam in general.

    Allah, if he is real, and I think he is, is a very easily offended god. He is not high-minded. He is petty and vindictive, like a child afraid of having his cake stolen.

    He is a baby. An angry baby.

  8. The links to the above reports of Saudi destruction of landmarks were not to bring tears, but to establish the pattern that they do not revere their own heritage and continue to designate that heritage to suit their dualistic doctrine at will.
    IOW...they will make it up as they go.

  9. My theory is, Muslims don't care about their heritage, or about what they do, because they know their god, their religion, and their way of life is a fraud.

    They are animals cornered, BY THEIR OWN STUPIDITY.

