
Thursday, January 17, 2019

Watergate by Any Other Name

A Blistering Take on Obama's Minions -- Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Lynch, Yates, McCabe, Etc. -- Breaking the Law to Target a Rival Presidential Candidate With an FBI Criminal Investigation That They Pretended Was Not a Criminal Investigation
They pretended it wasn't a criminal investigation because the law forbade them from conducting a criminal investigation, given that they had no actual crime to investigate. 
So they falsely -- illegally -- framed it as a "counterintelligence" investigation, but this was always a sham; the entire project was to find a crime that they could then launch a criminal investigation over. 
The liberal media is portraying this admission that the FBI broke the law as some kind of vindication that their conspiracy theories must be true, because, hey, why would people break so many laws to investigate someone for a crime unless they were rilly rilly sure they'd find a crime eventually?

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