
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Yellow Vest Protests: French 'flash-ball' row over riot-gun injuries

Appalling injuries caused by French police riot guns during the yellow-vest protests have triggered anger and calls for the weapon to be banned. 
The LBD launchers known by protesters as "flash-balls" have left 40 people severely wounded, reports say. 
One man emerged from a coma on Friday six days after being hit in the head. 
France's human rights chief has called for the weapon's use to be halted, but the government insists it is deployed only under very strict conditions. 
Since the "gilets-jaunes" protests began in November, 3,000 people have been injured or even maimed and thousands more arrested.

Here is a video showing what a Flash Ball looks like:

Here is a MUST-SEE video of a man who has been hit by a Flash Ball. He explains the effect and shows you the affect.

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