
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Love Islam or else

Blasphemy laws will be coming soon to Holland:
According to the engineering instructor, the accusation followed an incident in the classroom at the end of January. "A pupil told a classmate that her mother finds me 'haram', or dirty. I caught that and spoke to her about it. In the break, other students suddenly stood around me and shouted in high tones that I would have offended the prophet, "says the instructor who wants to remain anonymous for privacy reasons.
Don't like your teacher for whatever reason? Then just loudly complain about his imaginary anti-Islamic views and get him suspended.
The director's suspension letter states where the alleged insult of Prophet Muhammad is about. "You said that Mohammed was married to an eight-year-old girl, and that in the Netherlands a grown man who marries a girl of eight is seen as a pedophile," you can read.
But the instructor denies having talked about the belief with students at all that day and never implores this kind of statement.


  1. Love islam, or else . . . fight it to the death. That's the plan it's got for you, return the favor whenever you see fit (and don't let them beat you to the punch).

    In Iraq, during one 'range day' (that followed a few day's disconcerting intel reports) our gunny said 'If someone's shooting at you, don't get scared. Get pissed off !!! Be like, "HOW DARE YOU SHOOT AT ME". Then give them hate.'

    When he saw our suddenly hardened collective reactions, looking like we were ready to go out and raze the middle east, he tried to temper his comments a little by saying "But, just because someone's shooting at you, doesn't mean you've got the green light to go all "Operation Down a Brownie" on the area, pick your targets and follow your ROEs and EOFs".

    We all paused for a second, then, like little kids hearing a teacher fart, burst out laughing at the 'Operation Down a Brownie' comment. But after that, many of us went to the local haji shop and had them make morale patches that depicted a large glass of milk in front of a piled up plate of brownies in case such an operation was ever green-lighted.

    So, that's my advice to all of you. Laugh now, but have a big ol' glass of milk handy

  2. The instructor needs to host a "draw Mohammed contest". All in the name of cultural exchange, of course.
