
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Mr. Trudeau, Did You Buy Whores For Gaddafi's Son? "I Want To Focus On Canadian Workers"

Woke AF


  1. I think this video might be edited in such a way that his response seems unrelated to the whores issue, because his response was more appropriate to the overall accusations that he influenced his former Attorney General to drop corruption charges against Canada's largest Engineering firm SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. They've been charged with paying bribes in Libya and several other places they have done work.

    Which brings up an interesting point. The non-western world is thoroughly corrupt. Nothing can possibly get built there without bribes being payed to the local players.

    How are western engineering and construction firms expected to compete with global competition based in countries that dont punish their own firms for playing by the local rules wherever they work?

  2. I agree.

    But in the meantime, I think I will roast the left on their own spit.
