
Thursday, February 28, 2019

Turkey: Thugs Deface Armenian Church With Graffiti, "You Are Finished"

Thugs in the Turkish capital Istanbul spray painted threats on an Armenian church with messages in both English and Arabic warning “you are finished”. 
Security cameras recorded the vandals spraying the “racist and hate speech” on the walls and door of the Armenian Church of the Holy Mother of God, International Christian Concern (ICC) reports. 
The incident has drawn widespread condemnation from across Turkey’s Armenian community, which the prosecution watchdog says is frequently harassed and targeted through hate crimes. 
Garo Paylan, an Armenian Member of Parliament, tweeted: “A hate attack has been carried out against Balat Surp Hreshdagabet Armenian Church. “Every year, scores of hate attacks are being carried out against churches and synagogues. Not just the perpetrators, but also the people who are behind them, should be addressed. “For the most important part, the politics that produce hate should be ended.” 
Around one million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman Empire, which would later become Turkey, in a slaughter which began during World War One.

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