
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Left Has Won The Culture War, Now

“One great tweet I saw was, ‘The left won the culture wars. Now they’re just driving around shooting survivors,'” said Ravikant. 
“This is unfortunate for conservatives but technology is a force that also pushes left.” 
Ravikant, a billionaire tech-start-up investor, appeared on Rogan’s podcast to discuss a variety of issues including self-evaluation, tech censorship, environmental movements and cultural shifts. 
Rogan noted that the left’s take over of social media may be helping them win the culture wars against conservatives. 
“I wonder who has won the culture war? There’s certainly a battle that’s been won in terms of control of social media,” said Rogan. 
Ravikant claims that all new forms of technology have historically always shifted toward the left because “technology actually empowers the individual. The individual means that you have the breakdown of family structure and religion … but generally, technology leads the world left.” 
The pair go on to discuss the dangers of the increasing power of social media giants to control the spread of information and affect the outcome of elections. 
“The most powerful people in the world today are the people who are writing the algorithms for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram because they’re controlling the spread of information,” said Ravikant. “They’re literally rewriting people’s brains. They’re programming the culture.”

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