
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Is Trump Playing 3D Chess?

Trump beat the odds of getting elected in the first place. It confounded nearly all the pundits and prognosticators. He either did it through luck, chance, or skill; at the time it wasn’t obvious which it was (and it could have been a combination). 
But a pattern began, and then that pattern kept repeating over time. One can only describe it this way: Trump does something that his enemies—and even some people who support him—criticize. There’s a big furor. The media reported that now he’s put his foot in his mouth and now he’s sunk himself for real. And yet, when the dust settles (and sometimes it settles rather quickly), we usually find that one or some or all of the following have occurred. 
Trump didn’t say what they said he said. 
His opponents do something in response to what he said that makes them look like the fools. 
The public, in general responds by agreeing with Trump, which causes his polls to go up.Strange, isn’t it, if he’s such a fool, that these things keep happening over and over and over? Can anyone have that much good luck?


  1. They are not honest. He is honest about what he says. He has a bullt pulpit and uses it well. Tweet on, my President. Tweet on.

  2. Skill. The man was able to spin plates in his sleep when he was building his business holdings across continents.

    His Tweets are just a form of asymmetrical warfare against the media monolith.

  3. Come on guys! Give me a break.Trump failed US. Let it go! NO wall on southern boarder, no lock her up. walking back SEND HER HOME CHANT!,bump stock ban pushed by our pro 2nd amendment President, nothing to stop the illegal invasion at our southern border, no cutting the budget. OK so WTF are WE winning? Oh jobs you say? LOL look around you Trump celebrated the low unemployment of minorities,GUESS WHO DAT IS. WE are being BULLSHITTED. LOL all day every day.Winning yeah if you are a NON WHITE!

  4. Look the anonymous troll pops up again.
