
Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Soviet-Created Pedophilia Rings Designed To Subvert The West By Controlling Politicians and Business Leaders


  1. This is what I encountered in the '80s -- the response of our agencies was to create a competing trafficking ring here. Instead of stopping the monsters, they became monsters themselves. This is what has been covered up numerous times, for example in the Franklin case.

  2. Interesting. I was not aware of this part of your story.

    Did you write about this?

  3. The international depth of evil is mind-boggling. Grrrr.

  4. Some of it is in my book. But it wasn't until recently when this information about the Russian plot came out that I was able to connect some dots. It explains -- though of course does NOT justify -- WHY the covert program was begun in the US around 1980. I believe it also explains the utilization of satanist ritual and imagery on the basis that the horror and weirdness could be used to dismiss reports of abuse as "satanic panic".
