
Thursday, July 18, 2019

What if the psychiatric "experts" hired in the Halimi case aren't "independent"?

JNS ran an article about the abominable continuation of the French courts' avoiding the issue of anti-semitism in the murder of Sarah Halimi by a Muslim. And among the things discussed, I noticed they said:
Two of the three independent psychiatric experts commissioned by the investigation said that marijuana nullified the man’s judgment and therefore his criminal responsibility. The third judge expressed a partial abolition of culpability.
I have to wonder: is it possible these weren't really "independent experts" at all, but rather, at least 2 people specially hired to give a false verdict to suit the judicial system's positions? I'm sure if one "follows the money", they'll find somethng very fishy indeed about how politics are operated in France, and even Britain. This is also a system that's let rapists off the hook because the culprits were Muslim, so it's not only Jews who're the victims here, of course, but also women.

One of the most offensive things about European political conduct is the tendency to waste taxpayers' money, and there can be no doubt the problem is around cases like these somewhere, where it ends up in the wrong hands, for all the wrong reasons.

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