
Saturday, August 17, 2019

Dr. Cyril Wecht on Epstein Death: “Have Not Seen” Multiple Fractures in “Simple Leaning Into Suicide Hanging” In Over 20,000 Autopsies

This guy notes what I noted the other day; that Epstein supposedly leaned forward and asphyxiated himself. He did not perform the traditional "kick-the-chair-out-from-underneath-oneself suicide by hanging.

Dr. Cyril Wecht: Let me say, if this is a lean-into kind of a hanging, not someone hurling himself from the top bunk. But if he were for example, sitting on the lower bunk or kneeling by there, and no evidence of him being on the top bunk, and hurling himself off, then there is no velocity there is no force imparted to that scenario. Leaning forward in my opinion would not lead to what we have been told are “multiple fractures.” We don’t know what was broken exactly. No details have come from the medical examiner’s office. We’re told by the Washington Post, New York Post that the hyoid bone was broken, that’s above the Adam’s Apple… If there are fractures of the thyroid cartilage, the Adam’s Apple in association with the hyoid bone that is highly suspicious and in my opinion extremely unlikely to be caused by a leaning into type of suicide hanging… I agree and I want to make that clear that I cannot express an opinion with reasonable medical certainty. I can only repeat what I have said based upon the cases I have myself examined, hundreds of cases over the years in my 20,000 plus autopsies, 40,000 other cases that I have reviewed, supervised or signed off on. That I have not seen multiple fractures in a simple leaning into kind of suicidal hanging when there is no velocity.