
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Piers Morgan: "Populism Is Rising Because The Left Has Become Unbearable, It's A Kind of Fascism"


  1. Where's Piers' knowledge of the history of totalitarianism communism? It's inherent in these totalitarianists that, as soon as they get power, they just keep moving the goalposts to be able to keep themselves in power. YOUR understanding of the "people's revolution" is either left deviationist or right deviationist.And slaughter is always the result, whether it's the Jacobins, the NKVD, The Norks, Castro, Maoist or Khmer Rouge cadres

  2. You're deviating to the right of communist dogma. You can be too "left," also. Just a way to keep you in line to the "current" dogma.

  3. Yes, I am certainly to the Right of Communist Dogma,
