
Monday, September 30, 2019

Elizabeth May Wants Canada To Bring In “Tens Of Thousands” Of ‘Climate Refugees’

Elizabeth May - Green Party Leader and Ally of Justin Trudeau

Elizabeth May Wants Canada To Bring In “Tens Of Thousands” Of ‘Climate Refugees’
Speaking to CTV News, May said “We have right now, depopulated areas across the country. We can build up infrastructure by 2030 and 2040 to accept far more people in regions, for instance in the Prairies, where there are depopulated places, in Atlantic Canada, and northern Quebec.” 
Notably, May is basing her refugee numbers on United Nations claims that there will be 200 million ‘climate refugees’ by 2050. 
“One of the points Greens make is we have to prepare,” said May. “By geography, we’re one of the biggest countries in the world, by population one of the smaller. We have an obligation; we’ve been one of the biggest polluters.” 
Of course, May is wrong when she calls Canada one of the biggest polluters, as we are in fact on of the smallest polluters in the world. May also ignores that Canada is a cold weather country where long road trips are essential both for people visiting families and for commerce across the nation.


  1. Islam is right about women!

  2. Hey May. The reason you have large unpopulated areas of your country is because most of it is uninhabitable. Just like the US. No water. No transportation access, etc. If they were, private enterprise would develop those areas.

  3. The main pools of “refugees” that NGOs and foundations will push to the head of the line at Muslim. Settling more than a handful in any one area ensures the creation of an insular enclave much as has happened already in parts of the west like in Malmo. This is virtue signaling on a dangerous level by woke progressives who are willfully blind to history. Islam always has and always will see its duty towards the unbelievers as forcing them to convert, submit or die.

