
Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Exorcism of Greta Thunberg


Two long and beautifully designed Greta pigtails hang from the trunk. Above them is written “Problem solved”, and a little further up “Fuck you Greta”. The public prosecutor’s office has initiated an investigation against a man from Plauen who has stuck the pigtails on his car.
“The accusation to be examined is a public request to commit crimes,” says Ines Leonhardt, spokeswoman for the Zwickau public prosecutor’s office. One could see in this kind of tailgate decoration the glorification of violence against children and the invitation to do harm to a certain person. The penal code provides for up to three years imprisonment.
A citizen filed a denunciatory complaint. Just the sticker “Fuck you Greta”, which for example a citizen stuck on his old Citroen, was considered an insult, according to the prosecutor.

1 comment:

  1. I have never listened to a word she has said but she looks completely ugly insane. It would probably be worth knowing about the dream she had which we destroyed.
