
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Daily Reminder: Lindsey Graham Could Call in Former US Ambassador Kurt Volker to Testify and Blow Up Dem Impeachment Narrative – But He Refuses to Act… Why? (VIDEO)

On Monday Senator Rand Paul joined Tucker Carlson to discuss Lindsey Graham’s empty promises and multiple lies to the American public. 
Lindsey promised to investigate the origins of the Russia hoax, the Ukrainian investigation and the Roger Stone raid. These were ALL LIES. 
And Tucker Carlson noted that Lindsey Graham will not call in former Ambassador Kurt Volker to the Judiciary Committee even though his testimony undermines the current Democratic Party Ukrainian narrative! 
Tucker Carlson: Now his inaction extends to the Ukraine saga as well. State Department official Kurt Volker has given closed door testimony that undermines the current impeachment narrative. Two weeks ago Graham said that if Democrats didn’t release a transcript of Volker’s remarks he would summon Volker before the Senate to testify. We’re still waiting for that to happen too. 
Lindsey Graham could destroy the Democrats’ entire Ukrainian narrative with one public hearing! 
What is Lindsey Graham waiting for? 
Who is he protecting?


  1. Interesting. Klobuchar, Graham, McCain, Yovanovitch?)
    Ukraine: Poroshenko awards Orders of Ukraine to US Senators McCain and Graham
    ===> Ukraine's Order of Liberty ( Орден Свободи )
    U.S. Recipients:
    - George Soros (2015)
    - Richard Lugar (2016)
    - John McCain (2016)
    - Joe Biden (2017)
    According to video at youtube the date range of that video clip suggests 12/2016
    Ukraine: Poroshenko awards Orders of Ukraine to US Senators McCain and Graham
    •Dec 30, 2016

  2. Facing Scrutiny Lindsey Graham Runs to Tick-Tock Hannity for Help – Together They Proclaim The Investigative Brilliance of A Strongly Worded Letter… …
    For those unaware, a Senate resolution requires unanimous consent as it is proposed by a single senator.
    As a consequence any single democrat senator can block it, easy peasy.
    This "strongly worded resolution" is a familiar Decepticon trick from Lindsey Graham.
