
Saturday, October 19, 2019

Viral Story Of ‘Racist’ Text Against Muslim ‘Coach’ Appears To Be Hoax

EAST LANSING, Mich. (WILX) - A Windsor, Ontario hockey coach claimed he was driving from Windsor to East Lansing to rent ice and coach free hockey clinics for children. 
That’s when Talha Javaid allegedly received a racist text message from a parent of one of those players. 
The text from Chase said, “I'm not a racist but I don't feel comfortable with you teaching him [his son Riley] and the influence you will have on him. He added that it makes more sense if its not some “Muslim guy teaching it”. 
Chase said if “it were cricket or something that would be different but it's not”. Chase goes on to say he hopes he would consider resigning and not coaching hockey. 
Javaid posted that text message on social media and received thousands of posts of support, even from professional players like Evander Kane. But the question remains, who is Chase and where exactly was Javaid coaching? 
News 10 spoke to a Yahoo Sports reporter who said Javaid told her it was at Suburban Ice in East Lansing. 
Suburban Ice said they did not want to go on camera but have never heard of Javaid nor the ice skating clinic he allegedly was holding. 
News 10 checked ice rinks all around East Lansing and the surrounding area- not one says they have heard of him before and no one had him scheduled to coach through their arena. 
This isn't the first time Javaid claims he was a target for racism...

Seriously, what the fuck is Cricket? What American would ever reference fucking Cricket?

Fuck that noise.

1 comment:

  1. AOW knows my story. But having been seated in a closed room with a Muslim colleague with an inflammatory accusation: that of targeting her - I can assure you that I was terrified. She had now placed a target on my back.

    What saved me perhaps, was my own history of asking the individual several questions relating to my own overarching treatment in the past, a manner of protecting myself from accusation.

    It is... real.
