
Monday, December 16, 2019

PEW RESEARCH: U.S. has world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households

For decades, the share of U.S. children living with a single parent has been rising, accompanied by a decline in marriage rates and a rise in births outside of marriage. A new Pew Research Center study of 130 countries and territories shows that the U.S. has the world’s highest rate of children living in single-parent households. 
Almost a quarter of U.S. children under the age of 18 live with one parent and no other adults (23%), more than three times the share of children around the world who do so (7%). 
The study, which analyzed how people’s living arrangements differ by religion, also found that U.S. children from Christian and religiously unaffiliated families are about equally likely to live in this type of arrangement. In comparison, 3% of children in China, 4% of children in Nigeria and 5% of children in India live in single-parent households. In neighboring Canada, the share is 15%. 
While U.S. children are more likely than children elsewhere to live in single-parent households, they’re much less likely to live in extended families. In the U.S., 8% of children live with relatives such as aunts and grandparents, compared with 38% of children globally.


  1. No society can survive with a bunch of absentee fathers.

  2. A long time ago, Pete, another blogger told me that her theory is that Islam is the scourge that God is using to punish Western cultures for their wickedness.

    I am beginning to believe it.

    We've turned away from God's way, and we bring upon ourselves our own destruction in myriad ways.

  3. By the way, taking that into consideration, it is interesting that, under Trump, we are beginning to turn away from abortion.


  4. Hard to argue with any of that. What parallels can be drawn between the United States' current condition and the condition of (a) Jerusalem prior to the destruction of the first and second Temples and (b) ancient Rome during its long descent?
